1.Hi Tom!Is all good in Japan???
-No, it's snowing out there and extremely cold today. I think it's not good
for answering this interview (hahaha) but I will try.
2.Give us the whole story of Vampiric Motives!!
-Whole story?!It takes pages. No, seriously, Vampiric Motives' original
concept was started back in late 1992 with the perverted brother of the
Kanai and a drum machine. Throughout the year 1993 the band went on a
journey to search themselves to become the sickest band that ever existed.
In early 1994, the band found a new dimension of sickness, morbid
perversions and ultimate gore in philosophical views, which is strongly
involved with serial killing, mass murder, homicide, torture, cannibalism,
vampirism and mutilation. A little later the band had recorded a rehearsal
quality demo called " Catharsis".The demo's presentation was very horrible
and the band decided to re-record all the tracks together with some new
tracks in early 1995. The recording session turned into the "Rape Trauma
Syndrome"5 song demo '95. This tape got tremendous reactions from zines,
labels, comps, radio stations and distributors all over the world. In the
meantime, Extermination Records (formerly known as Morbid Single
Productions) (currently dead) got in contact with the band for two split 7+"
EP negotiations. After a huge delay these two split 7"EPs, one with Polish
psychological grind band Squash Bowels, and the other with US porngrinders
Slough, were released in January 1996. Those 7"EPs also caused lots of
positive reactions from true sick freaks worldwide, however the label gave
the band a negligent support because the label's extinction. The label had
planned to release the band's debut CD, but then the label wasn't interested
anymore. The band recorded a full length studio live session for German
Deliria Productions and a split tape with Goropsy (R.I.P., UK) for
Necroharmonic Productions which were both released in February 1996. The
band's unstoppable sickness was still growing and the result turned into a
full length album entitled "The Encyclopedia of Serial Murders"which was
recorded during late '95 to early '96. After listening to the advance rough
mixes of the album, German Deliria Productions got in contact with the band
once again. This time the label offered the band a CD release and Vampiric
Motives accepted politely. The debut CD is filled with deranged sickness,
most putrid vocals, hyper fast grinding madness, heaviest down turned
soffocating guitars and pure chaos. 22 tracks, including several re-recorded
new versions from previous releases and a cover of "Defiling the Grave"from
the Godz of Gore, Impetigo (R.I.P.). So the CD runs over 60 minutes with
unspeakable hyperisckeningcybergrinddeathgoremetal. This CD was released on
Deliria Productions in September 1996.
(this taken from our bio sheet. Long enough? Shorten if you need)
In 1997, the band contributed tracks to "Shadows of Michelangelo"magazine's
comp.CD, "Hungry Urn Urinay"comp.7"ep, and split cass.EP with Negligent
Collateral Collapse. All material released in same year. And now, I am
sitting here and typing this...
3.I think u must answer this question so often, but why the hell did u change your name C.U.M. to Vampiric Motives??
-Believe it or not, we wanted to play Gothic Doom Melodic Black-ish Death
Metal and that's why we changed it. Can you believe this? Hahaha, I fuckin'
LIED. People seems to think so about the change, but we don't change any
musical style. It's getting more and more brutal then ever. So, why we
changed? We wanted to get out of the cage. It's small, dark and cold. Who
the hell wants to stay there? We want to fly with our own wings. "Vampiric
Motives"reminds you NOT only Grind Core. People let us in the same
bandwagon, where Slough, Gut, Squash Bowels, Malignant Tumour, etc. live,
but we felt the difference between those bands and us. We never had
pathology and pornography in the music. I am really pissed off with the
people's misunderstanding about us. The only way to cleanse that was to
change the name. Understood?
4.Why don't u show your real faces on your releases, just for fun or what???
Why don't u put your lyrix on the new releases, I only see some on your "Rape
Trauma Syndrome"?
-To see your ugly face is not my cup of tea. Understood? I am now trying to
be a Computer Graphic artist, and there will be very effective member photos
rather than just standing in the woods or sitting. As for lyrics, can you
understand Japanese? 1/3 lyrical contents were written in Japanese.
5.Dealing with your latest release the CD "Encyclopedia Of Serial Murders" I
have heard that u first have some problems with it!!Tell us what happened!!-
-Problem.... ummmmm, we still have problems about the CD. Read the biography
up there and you will find the problem before the release. Now, YOU have
problem. The CD is soldout. Yes, you cannot be purchased the CD anymore.
Why? Ask Deli-fuckin'-ria productions. Hey, any label who wants to
re-release the CD, please get in contact soon. We will have ready for
re-mastered and new cover for it.
6.Why do u have so long song titles? Can't u choose one or two words for a
title? Or are the lyrix so complex that u can't describe them shorter?
-A couple of words for a song title is boring for us. Can you describe
psychological and philosophical behaviour on a few words? That's same thing.
We could go on shorter and shorter them, but that's not good idea. They show
what they talk at first sight. We prefer your second opinion (complex one)
for the reason.
7.U also have on your releases some Impetigo covers (on the CD a cover from
"Defiling the Grave"and "Boneyard" on a demo)+ACE- Are u a big fan from Impetigo? What is your fave release? What is Impetigo for u? An inspiration
or an influence??
-Probably, I am the number one collector of Impetigo. After I let Mark to
hear "Boneyard" cover, he urges to play another songs. I gave the CD to Mark
and Stevo and they really satisfied with it and "Defiling..." is one of
Stevo's fave track, same as me. We've recorded at least one song from
Impetigo. I prefer "H.O.T.Z."album and split 7"ep with Blood. The album is
all time fave of mine along with Morbid Angel's "Alter of madness". Impetigo
was an influence for our formation, but no more.
8.Tell us something about your zine work!!U quit work I think. And tell us
something about your new distro!!!
-All of my zine's work is no more. Nothing to talk about. And I didn't start
"new" distro. I still have some wreck, which is better to sell rather than
throw away. Visit the site : http://www.broadway.or.jp/+AH4-kkmurder/distro.html
, if you're interested.
9.Can u describe your musick in a few words??Is it like on your CD "Japanese
Cyber Grind Gore" or would u describe it in a other way?
-Of course another way. That was written by the label, not our responsible.
Now, we describe ourselves as just a Death Metal with slight Grind Core
influence (on rhythmically).
10.U also have an internet page(great work!!!)What is the internet for u???
Is it the future or what?
-Thank you for your compliment. Internet has started not just long ago. But
it takes over the world. Imagine 10 years later, you can get hold of
anything through the cyberspace. I think it is the future of the world. Why
don't I use the technology? It's useful and great. I hope there should be
more underground network in the cyberspace, don't you?
11.Ok that's it for now. Thanx Tom for the great support!!!But pleaze tell
us your next releases and all your merchandising!!!
-Thanx so much for your great support. Well, I'm not sure which is our next
release because all the fuckin' comp.CD that we contributed are
D-fuckin'-layed, delayed in years. They all should be released under
Catasexual Urge Motivation moniker. The first Vampiric Motives' release will
be Jap's Death Metal comp.CD from Bloodbath rec. (Japan). This will come out
February 1998. Check it out. Our current merchandises are:
(all prices include postage)
"Rape Trauma Syndrome"demo '95 $3
"Split 7 inch single with Squash Bowels (Poland) '96 $6
"Split 7 inch single with Slough (US) '96 $6
"Split demo with Goropsy (R.I.P.) '96 $5
"The Encyclopedia of Serial Murders"CD '96 $15 (few left, hurry)
"Hungry Urinary Urn"4 bands comp. 7 inch single '97 $5
"Shadows of Michelangelo"prod. comp.CD '97 (9 bands) $5 (no case)
"Split cassette EP with Negligent Collateral Collapse (Czech) '97" $5
"Split live tape with Christ Snacks (Panama) (official bootleg live
'95) $5 (some copies only at the address below)
Contact address :
1-26-3-204, MIYAGI
ADACHI-KU, TOKYO, 120-0047
e-mail : kkmurder@broadway.or.jp
web site <>:
Thanx again for your help. Good luck.